Multiple Intracranial Vascular Anomalies in a Patient with Hypoplasia/aplasia of the Internal Carotid Arteries, Moyamoya Collateralisation, and Aneurysms of the Posterior Fossa Circulation

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DD Rasalkar, WCW Chu, BK Paunipagar

Hong Kong J Radiol 2010;12:127-30

Bilateral agenesis, aplasia, and hypoplasia of the internal carotid arteries are rare congenital anomalies that are associated with aneurysms of the circle of Willis and dolichoectasia of the vertebrobasilar system. This report of a patient with ruptured posterior fossa aneurysms presenting with subarachnoid haemorrhage illustrates the presence of multiple vascular anomalies, including congenital absence and hypoplasia of the right and left internal carotid arteries, respectively, Moyamoya collateralisation, and posterior circulation aneurysms. The latter ruptured, resulting in symptomatic subarachnoid haemorrhage.




DD Rasalkar、朱昭穎、BK Paunipagar

雙側頸內動脈發育不全,不發育或發育不良是一種少見先天畸形,及與Willis環的動脈瘤及椎基底動 脈伸展擴張症有關連。本文報導一例頸內動脈先天右側缺如、左側發育不全,同時合併煙霧病側枝 迴圈形成及後顱窩迴圈血管動脈瘤的病人。患者動脈瘤破裂並誘發蛛網膜下腔出血而出現癥狀。