Brachial Artery Transection Following Closed Elbow Dislocation Without Accompanying Fracture

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YY Cheuk, KWM Yang

Hong Kong J Radiol 2010;13:140-3

Simple elbow dislocation is one of the most common joint dislocations and has a good prognosis. Complete transection of the brachial artery rarely ensues without an associated fracture. This case report describes this rare complication and its imaging findings in a 27-year-old man suffering from such a simple elbow dislocation. The diagnosis was made by computed tomographic angiography and duplex ultrasound. The brachial artery was repaired with a saphenous vein graft and the distal circulation was restored.





單純性肘關節脫臼是最常見的關節脫臼之一,大多數病例都復原良好。在沒有骨折的情況下,因肘 關節脫臼而導致肱動脈完全斷裂十分罕見。本文報告一名27歲男性因肘關節脫臼而出現此罕見併 發症的病例及其影像診斷的應用。這病例應用了電腦斷層掃描血管造影及多普勒超聲波作為診斷工 具。最後肱動脈成功由隱靜脈移植修補,末端的血液循環恢復良好。