An Institutional Audit and Pictorial Review of Common Male Breast Diseases

KM Chu, LF Chiu, HS Fung, KY Kwok, AMW Wai, JCW Siu, AKH Lai, TS To, SCH Chan

Hong Kong J Radiol 2011;14:15-23

Objective: To review the mammographic and sonographic features of common benign and malignant lesions of the male breast.

Methods: This was a retrospective institutional review. A total of 72 consecutive male patients having breast imaging performed between 1 July 1999 and 30 June 2010 were included. The clinical data and electronic radiological images were retrieved from the electronic patient record, radiology information system, and Advantage Workstation (GE Healthcare).

Results: The mean age of the patients was 57 (range, 12-86) years. Indications for breast imaging included: breast mass (83%), breast tenderness (10%), nipple discharge (5%), and inverted nipple (3%). Mammographic examination was performed in 49 patients, and sonographic examination in 71. Biopsies were obtained from 19 patients. In 18 patients, no abnormality was found. The imaging / pathological diagnoses in the remainder were categorised as benign or malignant. Benign lesions included: gynaecomastia (n = 42), lipoma (n = 2), fibrocystic change (n = 2), and epidermal inclusion cyst (n = 1). Malignant lesions included: carcinoma (n = 6) and Paget's disease (n = 1). The clinical presentations and salient imaging features of these patients are discussed.

Conclusion: Based on knowledge of mammographic and sonographic features of the common benign and malignant lesions of the male breast, accurate radiological diagnoses can be achieved and unnecessary biopsy procedures can be avoided.






方法:本回顧研究對象為1999年7月1日至2010年6月30日期間,在一所機構內所有進行乳腺成像的男性。從電子病歷、放射科信息管理系統、及Advantage Workstation(GE Healthcare)搜集共72位病人的臨床資料及電子放射影像。

結果:病人平均年齡57歲(介乎12至86歲)。進行乳腺成像的原因包括:乳腺腫塊(83%)、乳房脹痛(10%)、乳頭溢液(5%)、乳頭內陷(3%)。病人接受不同形式的檢查,分別有乳房X線49人,超聲檢查71人。19人進行了活檢。18位病人的檢測結果正常。其餘病人則按影像或病理結果被診斷為良性或惡性病變。良性病變包括:男子女性型乳房(42位)、脂肪瘤(2位)、乳房纖維性囊腫(2位)、表皮包涵囊腫(1位)。惡性病變包括癌症(6位)和柏哲德氏症(Paget's disease)(1位)。本文討論有關這些病人的臨床資料及特有的影像學特徵。
