Isolated Spontaneous Dissection of the Superior Mesenteric Artery: Successful Primary Therapy with a Nitinol Stent

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SY Lim, BS Tan, MG Sebastian, RHG Lo

Hong Kong J Radiol 2011;14:238-43

Isolated spontaneous dissection of the superior mesenteric artery is rare. Conventional treatment involves surgical or conservative management, and is increasingly supported by radiological interventions. We describe herein a patient with this condition, successfully treated by primary percutaneous endovascular nitinol stent placement after an acute isolated spontaneous superior mesenteric artery dissection, who has been followed up for 47 months. We also review the relevant literature and describe the increasing use of endovascular stenting, which is becoming the preferred treatment for this type of condition.




SY Lim, BS Tan, MG Sebastian, RHG Lo

孤立性腸系膜上動脈夾層是一種少見疾病。傳統的醫治方法包括外科或保守治療,而影像學介入治 療亦漸漸普及。本文報告一個急性孤立性腸系膜上動脈夾層的病例,患者成功接受經皮血管內鎳鈦 合金支架植入手術,並跟進了47個月,情況良好。用血管內支架術醫治孤立性腸系膜上動脈夾層漸 漸成為首選的治療方法。本文同時回顧有關這種手術的文獻。