The Effect of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy on Fertility

Full Article

DLW Kwong

Hong Kong J Radiol 2012;15:136-42

Improvements in cancer treatment have led to increasing numbers of cancer survivors who may desire to have children. Both chemotherapy and radiotherapy can have long-term consequences on reproductive function. Chemotherapeutic agents, especially alkylating agents, are gonadotoxic. Cranial irradiation may cause hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction and disturb the hormonal regulation of menstruation and fertility. Abdominal or pelvic irradiation has direct toxic effects on the gonads. Female cancer survivors are at risk of premature ovarian failure and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Male survivors are also at risk of subfertility or infertility. This article reviews the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on fertility, pregnancy, and neonatal outcomes of cancer patients.





隨著癌症治療不斷的改善,越來越多癌症康復者可能希望有下一代。可惜化療和放療往往會對生殖 器官有長遠的影響。化療藥物,尤其是烷化劑,對生殖功能造成損傷。而全腦照射會引致下視丘及 腦下垂體功能異常,從而干擾負責調控月經及生育的荷爾蒙環境。腹部或盆腔放療對性器官有直接 的毒性。女性癌症康復者會有卵巢早衰的危險並引致不良妊娠。男性癌症康復者也可能經歷生育力 低下或不育的風險。本文探討化療和放療對癌症康復者在生育、妊娠及新生兒方面的影響。