Umbilical Enteric Fistula: a Rare Cause of Neonatal Umbilical Mass

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JJK Ip, PKT Hui, L Lan, WWM Lam, MT Chau

Hong Kong J Radiol 2012;15:192-6

Congenital umbilical anomalies are common presentations in paediatric patients, and are usually classified as persistent umbilical cord structures or failure of umbilical ring closures. Urachal anomalies, umbilical herniations, and vitelline duct anomalies are the main classifications for these disorders. Among these disorders, only congenital urachal cyst is common. All anomalies associated with the vitelline duct are rare, and umbilico-enteric fistula is the rarest of all. This report is of a rare umbilical fistula in a neonate with persistent vitelline duct, with a brief review of the embryology, anatomy, and classification of vitelline duct malformations. The differential diagnosis and management options are also discussed.





小兒的先天性臍異常很常見,通常出現持續的臍膨出或臍環未能閉合。臍異常的主要病理可分為臍 尿管異常、臍疝氣、及卵黄管發育異常,其中先天性臍尿管囊腫最普遍。而與卵黄管有關的異常很 少,其中的臍腸瘻更為罕見。本文報告一名新生兒未閉的卵黄管出現罕見的臍瘺,從胚胎學、解剖 學和分類學討論有關卵黄管異常的情況,並探討此症的鑒別診斷及醫治方法。