Coronary Artery Calcium Score Measured by Computed Tomography and Its Correlation with Carotid Intima-media Thickness and Subcutaneous Abdominal Fat Thickness

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Y Greeshma, T Lokeshkumar, K Udhayakumar, A Ramalingam, BR Nagaraj

Hong Kong J Radiol 2018;21:249-54

DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1816841

Objective: To determine the correlation between coronary artery calcium score (CACS), carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT), and subcutaneous abdominal fat thickness (SAFT) for atherosclerosis.
Methods: Between December 2014 and September 2016, 50 patients were referred to the department of radiology, where CACS was measured by computed tomography, and CIMT and SAFT were measured by ultrasonography. Correlations between the CACS, CIMT, and SAFT were determined.
Results: A total of 36 men and 14 women aged 28 to 74 (mean, 50.3) years were assessed. The mean CACS was 137.8. The mean CIMT was 0.05 cm. The mean SAFT was 1.9 cm. The CACS significantly correlated with CIMT (r = 0.450, p = 0.001) and SAFT (r = 0.250, p = 0.004), and patient age (r = 0.336, p = 0.009). Age was not significantly correlated with CIMT (r = 0.171, p = 0.118) or SAFT (r = 0.096, p = 0.253). CIMT was not significantly correlated with SAFT (r = 0.151, p = 0.148).
Conclusion: CACS is a dependable marker for atherosclerosis, as are CIMT and SAFT. In patients with a CACS of 0, CIMT can be used for early detection of atherosclerotic changes.


Author affiliation(s):
Y Greeshma, T Lokeshkumar, K Udhayakumar, A Ramalingam, BR Nagaraj: Department of Radiology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry, India





Y Greeshma、T Lokeshkumar、K Udhayakumar、A Ramalingam、BR Nagaraj


方法:2014年12月至2016年9月間,共有50例患者被轉介到放射科作冠狀動脈電腦斷層掃描(CT)和超聲檢查。CACS由CT評估,而 CIMT和SAFT由超聲評估。並確定CACS、CIMT和SAFT之間的相關性。
結果:共評估了36名男性和14名女性年齡28至74歲(平均50.3歲)。平均CACS為137.8、平均CIMT為0.05 cm、平均SAFT為1.9 cm。CACS與CIMT(r = 0.450,p = 0.001)、SAFT(r = 0.250,p = 0.004)和患者年齡(r = 0.336,p = 0.009)顯著相關。年齡與CIMT(r = 0.171,p = 0.118)或SAFT(r = 0.096,p = 0.253)無顯著相關。CIMT與SAFT無顯著相關(r = 0.151,p = 0.148)。